Johnny Martin Kephart Knife

March 16, 2010
I picked up the Kephart from Johnny Martin last evening. It's the real deal and something special. I'll be putting it through field trials the next few days.


Test Knife page finished

March 15, 2010
Just finished the test knife page this morning. Now it's fixing typos, making corrections, checking facts and waiting on the first authentic Kephart. 

Here is a pic from the test knife page.


End of Day

March 15, 2010
It's about a hundred o'clock in the morning. I started this website early yesterday and have been sitting here ever since. Most of that time has been spent remembering things that I had forgotten. Not a sure what the whole out come might be, but we will see how long I stick with it. Since this is my first post. I'm just going to play around and post some pics that didn't make it on the website.
Here is an English Green River knife that is about as close to a Kephart than anything else that doesn't call itself a Kephart knife. They have the blanks to build this knife at the Smoky Mountain Knife Works. I may make one sometime just to add to my collection
The picture above can be described as knife porn. It's a stag handled Bark River Kephart. If I were a millionaire I would have a bunch of these. I'd have one whole set of them as table knives. Sometimes I imagine the wide-eyed wonder on Kephart's face if he could have seen one of these beauties.

These two pictures clearly show the cosmetic differences of these two knife patterns. 

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